Future is Green - S•CAB supports environment and reduces waste

Style meets modernity: S•CAB designs the future and colours it green, protecting our planet.

S•CAB supports environmental awareness and reduces waste. This triggers a virtuous process: new plastic is not introduced into the environment and at the same time potentially polluting waste materials are recovered. From raw material to product. From product to waste. From waste to recycled material. From recycled material to new product. A continuous and perpetual reuse cycle.

In the GO GREEN collection, the chair is made of certified regenerated plastic: obtained by the processing and regeneration of end-of-life products, waste coming from recycling. Plastic is certified as recycled and obtained thanks to the use of energy generated from renewable sources. A further guarantee of the commitment and quality of the company’s work to accompany the consumer toward an informed use of materials.

S•CAB’s best sellers are now available in the ‘green’ version in recycled plastic. Lisa technopolymer and Lady B, in addition to the iconic Ginevra and Sai, are the first models – but it is only the beginning – that cross the threshold of the green world: products in recycled plastic in trendy colours. All of this without ever compromising the technical standards of resistance, durability, and stability.
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